
Soft Skills in IT – what is Emotional Intelligence?

By PlaysDev
Published: Jul 26, 2024

To succeed in today’s corporate IT environment, you need to be a multitasker: understand the specifics of technology, speak the language of the client and colleagues. When it comes to creating high-performing teams, emotional intelligence is the missing element that transforms everyday work into productive and inspiring processes.

But what exactly is behind this concept? Imagine being able to not only accurately identify what your customers need, but also create a work environment where each team member feels heard and valued. The results will not take long to come: reduced stress levels, increased productivity, and team cohesion – all this becomes a reality when emotional awareness is put into practice.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand and manage your emotions, as well as recognize and take into account the feelings of others. It is the key to successful interaction, which helps build strong and productive relationships within the team, improves communication and increases motivation.

How did the concept of Emotional Intelligence appear? Emotional intelligence (EI) is a concept that plays an important role in professional and personal life today, it appeared relatively recently, but its roots can be traced back to the history of psychology and behavioral science.

The idea that reason and emotions are closely related dates back to ancient times. However, the concept of emotional intelligence in its modern sense began to take shape in the mid-20th century. In 1964, psychologist Michael Beldock first used the term “emotional intelligence” in his work, but it became widely known thanks to the research of Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer in 1990. They defined EI as “the ability to perceive, evaluate, and express emotions accurately and adaptively, and to use emotional knowledge to improve thinking and behavior.”

In 2002, the MSCEIT v. 2.0 (The Mayer–Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test) was created – a standardized questionnaire for measuring emotional intelligence.

The real breakthrough came in 1995, when Daniel Goleman published his book Emotional Intelligence: Why It May Matter More Than IQ. The book became a bestseller and brought to the attention of the general public the idea that emotional abilities may be as important, if not more important, than traditional intellectual intelligence (IQ). In other words, emotions are just as much a part of intelligence.

The Difference Between EQ and IQ

Intelligence quotient or IQ has long been considered the primary measure of human ability. It measures cognitive abilities: logical thinking, mathematical skills, memory, and problem-solving. A high IQ certainly helps in academic and professional fields, especially in tasks that require analytical thinking and technical knowledge.

Emotional intelligence (EQ), on the other hand, focuses on abilities related to emotional and social aspects.

Эмоциональный интеллект в IT: как он помогает в управлении командами

Why does this matter?

Imagine two employees in high positions. One of them has an outstanding IQ and is a master of his craft, but has difficulty communicating with colleagues and management, often gets into conflicts and cannot work effectively in a team. The other has a moderate IQ, but a high level of EI, knows how to listen, motivate and find a common language with people. Who of them, in your opinion, will be more successful and bring more benefit to the organization? Probably the second employee.

Research shows that people with a high level of emotional intelligence cope better with work responsibilities, climb the career ladder faster and are generally more satisfied with life. This is explained by the fact that they know how to build strong relationships, cope with stress and adapt to change.

Levels of Emotional Intelligence: How to Know Your EQ?

You can find out your level of emotional intelligence (EQ) in a variety of ways, including self-reflection, observation, feedback from others, and special tests. Emotional intelligence consists of several key components (skills), and its level can be determined by analyzing each of them.

Skills of emotionally intelligent people

  1. Emotional awareness or self-awareness
    The ability to recognize your emotions and how they affect your thoughts and behavior.

Practical ways to measure:

  • Keeping an emotion diary;
  • Answer the questions: How well do you understand your emotional reactions? Can you predict your emotions in different situations?
  • Self-assessment tests, such as the Self-Awareness Scale.
  1. Managing your emotions
    The ability to calm down, the ability to neutralize unreasonable anxiety or irritability. In other words, the ability to take control of your feelings and direct them in a positive direction.

Practical ways to measure:

  • Analyzing situations in which you lost control of your emotions: how often does this happen and under what circumstances?
  • Practice relaxation techniques and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Tests for impulsivity and stress tolerance.
  1. Self-motivation
    Using emotions to achieve a goal, delayed manifestation of joy and suppression of impulsivity, the ability to be in the “general flow”.

Practical measurement methods:

  • Self-analysis of your goals and the degree to which you have achieved them.
  • Assess the ability to maintain motivation in difficult situations: what serves as a driver and helps you not to stray from your goal?
  • Tests for internal motivation.
  1. Recognizing other people’s emotions – empathy
    The ability to understand and share the feelings of other people.

Practical measurement methods:

  • Feedback from colleagues and friends: how well do you understand their emotions?
  • Practice active listening and analysis of the reaction of interlocutors.
  • Tests for the level of empathy.
  1. Relationship management
    The ability to effectively interact with other people, build and maintain relationships.

Practical measurement methods:

  • Analysis of your ability to build and maintain relationships, resolve conflicts.
  • Feedback from colleagues, friends and loved ones.
  • Tests for social skills and communication skills.

Specialized tests to determine EQ

There are many tests designed to assess the level of emotional intelligence. Here are some popular ones:

  • MSCEIT (Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test): Assesses the ability to solve problems related to emotions.
  • EQ-i (Emotional Quotient Inventory): A questionnaire that assesses various aspects of emotional intelligence.
  • SEI (Six Seconds Emotional Intelligence Assessment): Analyzes how you understand and manage your emotions.

We recommend taking the Emotional Intelligence Test to better understand your strengths and weaknesses in the context of your emotional abilities.

High emotional intelligence – signs

  • Distinguish between emotions in yourself and others.
  • Clearly express your emotional states and understand the emotions of others.
  • Ability to quickly and effectively establish mutual understanding and trust with people.
  • Politely and confidently defend your interests and boundaries without violating the boundaries of others – for example, the ability to say “no”.
  • Recognition and respect for the personal space and needs of others.
  • Flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to changes and new conditions – instead of excessive reflection on what “was before”.
  • Ability to remain calm and positive even in stressful situations.
  • Skills for peaceful conflict resolution, finding compromises and restoring relationships.
  • Ability to smooth out negative emotions, motivate and inspire others.
  • Empathize and feel the emotions of other people, understand their points of view without judgment.
  • Analyze your thoughts, feelings and behavior, striving for personal growth.
  • Skills for clearly and convincingly expressing your thoughts, active listening.
  • Internal motivation to achieve goals, persistence and enthusiasm.
  • Control your emotions and impulses, avoiding negative, thoughtless actions.
  • See humor in various situations and use it to reduce tension and create a positive atmosphere.
  • Willingness to admit your mistakes and work to correct them, avoiding accusations and excuses.
  • Team work, contributing to collective success and supporting colleagues in achieving common goals.

Why is Emotional Intelligence an important skill for a leader?

To justify the role and importance of emotional intelligence in leaders, we have collected common situations in the workplace. Don’t forget that emotional intelligence allows IT team leaders to make more informed decisions, avoid conflicts, and motivate employees to achieve common goals.

Example 1: Feedback and Recognition

High EQ

The head of the development department, understands the importance of regular feedback. She:

  • Holds weekly one-on-one meetings with each employee to discuss their progress and provide constructive feedback.
  • Recognizes achievements publicly in team meetings, which increases employee motivation and confidence.
  • Listens to employee suggestions and ideas, encouraging their participation in the decision-making process.

Low EQ

Again, the head of the same department, rarely gives feedback and does not recognize employee achievements. As a result:

  • Employees do not know how they are doing at work and what areas need improvement.
  • Motivation and job satisfaction decrease because employees feel undervalued.

Example 2: Change Management

High EQ

Anton, a Product Manager, announces major changes to the company’s strategy. He understands that change can cause anxiety, so he:

  • Holds meetings where he explains in detail the reasons for the change and the expected results.
  • Provides a clear plan for implementing changes and assigns responsibility for different stages.
  • Regularly collects feedback to adjust the process and reduce stress.

Low EQ

Another Product Manager, announces the same changes without any preparation. She:

  • Does not explain the reasons for the changes, just announces a new course.
  • Does not provide an action plan, which causes chaos and uncertainty.
  • Ignores employees’ questions and concerns, which exacerbates the negative attitude towards the changes.

Conclusions and recommendations:

  • Avoid incomplete information: Explain the reasons and goals of the changes.
  • Do not skimp on feedback: Provide constructive feedback regularly.
  • Do not ignore conflicts: Actively intervene and help solve problems.
  • Create conditions for dialogue: Provide a platform for open discussion of conflicts.
  • Control conflict situations: Monitor the development of communication and prevent escalations.
  • Public recognition: Recognize employee achievements at team meetings.
  • Consider the team’s capabilities: Set realistic deadlines for completing tasks.

How to Develop EQ: What Practices Will Be Useful for an IT Specialist?

Developing emotional intelligence takes time and effort, but it is an investment that will pay off in improved work relationships, increased productivity, and a more positive work environment.

  • Active listening skills – When communicating with colleagues, try to listen carefully, ask clarifying questions, and show that you understand their point of view.
  • Communicate more with people – Participate in informal meetings and discussions to better understand your colleagues and their needs.
  • Try to be an effective team member – Take part in team projects and learn to effectively collaborate with colleagues without going to extremes.
  • Learn how to behave in conflict – Explore the topic of conflict and how to manage your behavior during conflict situations.
  • Start with a book about EQ by Daniel Goleman – Learn about the concept from the original source and gain new experience and knowledge for yourself.
  • Set boundaries between work and personal life to avoid burnout.
  • Find hobbies and activities that help you relax and recharge.


Emotional intelligence is not just a trendy phrase. It is the key to a more fulfilling and successful life, both personally and professionally. Its development opens up new horizons and opportunities, allowing you to achieve goals and find harmony in various aspects of life.

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